

設立垃圾信息收集冊的兩個主要目的是 —

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1. 關鍵字: "I really feel shy" "impress me" incredible(27項搜尋結果)

My name`s Nancy
I really feel shy, but I have 2 tell u, [username], that you`r just so coool )... I was fortunate to find your profile but presently I`m sure it is a destiny))
You`r remarkable... but I`m sure that in your life you`l impress me more and more!!! -))
btw that`s incredible... but I`m from Hong Kong too!!
I`d like to get closer 2 you, [username]!
This site censors and removes all my images... :(
so the most interesting and hot pics I hosted here: http://???matcher.com/account/********/
[username], I hope you will like them and will send me something to start our challenge :))
xxx all over :))

My name`s Karen
I really feel shy, but I have 2 tell you, [username], that you are just so coool )... It was a wonder to detect ur but currently I`m sure it`s a destiny!!))
You`r the best... but I know for sure that in ur real life u`l impress me more and more!! ;)
btw that`s incredible... but I`m from Hong Kong too!!
So... I would like 2 keep up a friendship with u, [username]!
This site removed all my photos... (
the most spicy pictures I hosted here: http://???matcher.com/account/********/
[username], I hope you will take a look at them and will send me something 2 start our thrilling challenge :)
love u honey :)


Good morning!!, [username] !!!

My name`s Dorothy :)
I real feel shy, but I have to say u, [username], that you`r just so cool... I was fortunate to detect your profile but now I am sure it is a fate))
You are remarkable... but I am sure that in ur life u`l excite me even more!!! :)
So... I would like 2 meet with you, [username]!
This site removes all the time my pictures... (
the most revealing images I uploaded here: http://bit.ly/*****
[username], I think u will like them and will write me smth 2 start our thrilling challenge ))!!!
love you honey ))!!!


2. 關鍵字: they have "chat thing" here can "me over" +Well "hope to see you"(230項搜尋結果)


I was browsing round for ppl, and I stumbled on your lil' site. You look as if a fairly hip dude, but I'm pretty inexperienced here, and dont know where to go here. Can't they have a chat thing here?? Well, i hate sending msgs to ppl, & maybe not receiving anything back! Anyways, if you wanna talking with me, u can check me over at http://www.f?????smatch.org/?id=****&mypics, my name there is shadee_kitty.

So, ya, hope to meet up with you there. I'm always lookin' to find more people.
Sasha Torres



NG BBS — Spam PMs go here.


